Friday, August 29, 2014

10 Days of Buying in Mexico and Guatemala

What a whirlwind the last 10 days have been since i left Australia.

Energised by the long trip by plane and the fabulous day at the Getty Museum in Los Angels i hit the ground running.

After a few days in DF and then off to the Villages to rekindle relationships with suppliers and meet new ones in the beautiful towns i have visited this week, with so much colour and variety the highpoint being the people i met who make our Embroidered Otomi Bedspreads such kind souls and so happy to share with us their work or just a chat to find out who i was and where i was from :))

We bought Bags and Necklaces for sure the most beautiful necklaces anyone can find in fact this photo does not do them justice, each one is totally unique the hand beading and shading is to die for, stay tuned for some more posts on instagram of them in the flesh next week.

This travelling Gypsy is getting tired, i know its 11am where you are but here its dinner time and i must fly to meet friends, so Buenos Tardes y Hasta MaƱana XX

Friday, August 8, 2014

"Gracias Melbourne"

The last fortnight was a flurry of selling at Tractor Home in Franklin street Melbourne, we got to see all our favourite customers in one place and share our stock with others who do not know the variety of product we import, commission and make to sell. 

It was a massive mission to create a space for 6 days with all our trinkets and as we traded items kept disappearing to their new homes so the workspace became an ever changing work of Art.  

We just loved sharing with Planet Luxe, Tractor Home, Marcs International, Ksj Design and Vivian such talented ladies it was a great inspiration and networking experience to be there.

Now its time to begin selecting the Orders we have and planing what we need in Mexico where we will be in two weeks time, picking up the goodies we don't have and making our further selections for the Christmas period.

I was commenting before how its often difficult to leave home when you have just returned, but feeling ready now to unpack the Melbourne case and upsize to the Mexico case filled with presses and supplies for my friends abroad.

Vamos as Dora would say, lets start the journey…………

Thanks again to all the wonderful stores, designers and decorators that came by last week,, Melbourne we miss you already XXX

Thursday, July 3, 2014

"Tehuana how i adore you"

Is there a tribe? an indigenous group you love???

That you wish in your dreams you could get reborn into their culture??

For me its the Tehuana's those feisty women who ride on a motor scooter trailer like Helen of Troy, in the searing heat and look like they haven't a care in world as they have just beaten their husband with words and are off to do a little business (whilst he's shopping at the market for all the households daily needs) 

Oh to be the woman of this tribe!!!!!!!! who wears the most delicious Traje, for years i never bought a thing from these towns, always seeing it as a way to burn up my buying budget and not have enough to purchase anything else with what was left, its clothing haunted me for years and from time to time i would buy a piece here and there.
I even made friends with a travelling Tehuana salesman, who always had things in his case that would make me faint, i used to avoid him sometimes so i didn't have to see his treasures and pass out at his prices,,,,, i knew it was worth it but for that i could buy two blouses from a friend the following day in her home town.

Last night whilst unpacking some boxes i had a safely aside, i came across this book of Diego Rivera's paintings, i took a look at all the pages but kept coming back to this one of the woman Lola in her traditional clothing a paining that is at the Dolores Olmedo de Olvero gallery in Mexico City, here Lola is holding a huge open gourd bowl which is hand painted, and now a formidable price for an ordinary version of such a piece. 
I posted this print on insatgram and my followers cheered as they too had been provoked by the hauntingly beautiful shadings of the hand embroidery and flowers, i have a whole collection that i have been adding to from this town now, i expect it will be in some museum one day as people begin to comprehend the true beauty of something that has been totally made by hand and the legend of Frida Kahlo and her whimsy for the same town lives on.

My proudest moment below was in 2010 when my idol since the 1970's came to visit our small town and spoke on Mexican Textiles i shall never forget that day in my life,,, i was so anxious i forgot half the things i wanted to ask Chloe Sayer at the time, but since have had the good fortune to keep in touch with her by email and last year bumped into her on the street in Mexico City fortunately we both had time for a cuppa and a catchup once again, in Bangalow i got the opportunity to dress as a woman from Tehuanatepec. Normally the full traje includes a face crown made of lace that the women wear for weddings which are very hard to find these days with Vintage merchants and of course then there is the starch that you need to use to keep it standing up as a crown. 
My passion for textiles never ceases, and my need to buy the most beautiful pieces continues on. Fortunately i am surrounded by textile traders women and men who can understand the value in something unique, something hand made, an item of unique beauty these people often with histories in Fashion, Design and Art whom are conduits for my work and desires, and assist me to continue this work with their support and encouragement.

"Gracias a Dios"

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Huichol Love from us to you XXXX

Our last Huichol necklaces…………Alas

This week i have had the opportunity to re-learn some Portuguese.
Due to an enquiry from Brazil @barblacerda_

Of course we have a website,,, was my response, but those who don't know we have been trading in this glorious merchandise for over 17 years don't know that!! We love to be challenged, but it took till Friday before i could brake the code, time to catch up and see to those things that hold u up and make you wonder????  These beauties are $140AUD or $130USA and one of a kind.

Thanks to Google Translate, i was able to say exactly what i wanted, gracias a diosxxxx

My adoration of things made by hand ethically, goes way back as you all know, we are passionate about empowering women and wearing things that are REAL things that have SOULS made from NATURAL FIBRES and FULL OF LOVE.

Grateful to have this as part of my heart and soul we continue to "Keep it Real" not greenwashing, just as it comes, and glad to answer in any language,,, so we can all grow together……….

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Website Updating Today

Please forgive me for it appears to years since i last wrote, …………...

It appears that life and work have overlooked Blogging., one seems to get out of practice when not doing things regularly.

I'd like to start with a reorientation for myself and a future library of news and pictures to share with you.

Today we have been collecting all our beautiful Wall Art and preparing for the shoot and update of our Website.

At one moment my desk was covered with all the divine Wall Art that individual Artisans make that we collect from all over Central and South America………….

The Hand Painted Tin pieces that Lux has been making for us for a decade now, the Pewter Virgin of Guadalupe on a stand here complimented by a huge Filigree Cross, theres small Virgins as well for you to hang to take care of your Home, Heart, Family and Business.

I never tire of finding unique and different products to share with you, we love our job so very much.