Friday, August 29, 2014

10 Days of Buying in Mexico and Guatemala

What a whirlwind the last 10 days have been since i left Australia.

Energised by the long trip by plane and the fabulous day at the Getty Museum in Los Angels i hit the ground running.

After a few days in DF and then off to the Villages to rekindle relationships with suppliers and meet new ones in the beautiful towns i have visited this week, with so much colour and variety the highpoint being the people i met who make our Embroidered Otomi Bedspreads such kind souls and so happy to share with us their work or just a chat to find out who i was and where i was from :))

We bought Bags and Necklaces for sure the most beautiful necklaces anyone can find in fact this photo does not do them justice, each one is totally unique the hand beading and shading is to die for, stay tuned for some more posts on instagram of them in the flesh next week.

This travelling Gypsy is getting tired, i know its 11am where you are but here its dinner time and i must fly to meet friends, so Buenos Tardes y Hasta MaƱana XX

Friday, August 8, 2014

"Gracias Melbourne"

The last fortnight was a flurry of selling at Tractor Home in Franklin street Melbourne, we got to see all our favourite customers in one place and share our stock with others who do not know the variety of product we import, commission and make to sell. 

It was a massive mission to create a space for 6 days with all our trinkets and as we traded items kept disappearing to their new homes so the workspace became an ever changing work of Art.  

We just loved sharing with Planet Luxe, Tractor Home, Marcs International, Ksj Design and Vivian such talented ladies it was a great inspiration and networking experience to be there.

Now its time to begin selecting the Orders we have and planing what we need in Mexico where we will be in two weeks time, picking up the goodies we don't have and making our further selections for the Christmas period.

I was commenting before how its often difficult to leave home when you have just returned, but feeling ready now to unpack the Melbourne case and upsize to the Mexico case filled with presses and supplies for my friends abroad.

Vamos as Dora would say, lets start the journey…………

Thanks again to all the wonderful stores, designers and decorators that came by last week,, Melbourne we miss you already XXX